Messenger/Harris poll: Trump up 5 over Biden

By Jen Krausz on
 September 27, 2023

The latest Messenger/Harris poll shows former President Donald Trump with a five-point lead over President Joe Biden in a head-to-head matchup.

Trump would get 46% in the matchup, while Biden would pull 41%. This is well outside the poll's 1.8% margin of error.

The poll also revealed that 57% of Democrats don't want Biden to run again in 2024, while only 27% of Republicans say the same about Trump.

Furthermore, 86% of Republicans back Trump, while only 80% of Democrats back Biden.

It is the second major poll to show a sizeable lead for Trump, coming days after an ABC/Washington Post poll gave Trump a 10% lead over Biden.

Democrats have begun to talk about pulling Biden from the race amid the worst polling of his presidency, but will they move fast enough to avoid losing support for any other candidate they run?