Megyn Kelly says Chris Christie was 'pissed' about not getting enough debate questions

By Jen Krausz on
 December 9, 2023

Podcaster Megyn Kelly confirmed that when she was seen during the GOP debate on Wednesday in conversation with candidate Chris Christie, he was confronting her about not getting enough questions.

"There was also such a speculation about what was happening there. I will tell you what was happening there. It was not off the record. He was pissed off. He was mad that he wasn’t getting enough questions," Kelly said. "And he said, 'I made it up in this stage, and I haven’t been able to speak in a while, and you know I should’ve been brought in on that last debate.'"

Christie did not get any questions during the first 40 minutes of the debate, but Kelly said that he shouldn't expect to get as many questions as higher-polling candidates when he's at 2-3%.

"He’s polling at 2%, OK? In no debate ever -- I’ve now done six of them -- have we given as many questions to the guy who’s at 3% as the person who’s in the lead, at least amongst the candidates on the stage," Kelly said. "I’m sorry Gov. Christie, that’s the way it is."

She pointed out after the fact that he only got about 30 seconds less than Nikki Haley, who is tied for first in polling with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

"So, he was a half -- a half a minute behind Haley, who is tied up there for No. 1," Kelly said of Christie's speaking time. "So, I don’t wanna hear it."