Mark Levin torches Matt Gaetz for ousting Kevin McCarthy

 October 4, 2023

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's (R-CA) ouster, the first of its kind in American history, generated intense backlash from all sides of the conservative realm.

According to Breitbart, conservative radio and TV legend Mark Levin made his feelings clear on the matter, hitting Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who initiated the motion to vacate, as a lesser conservative than McCarthy.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Levin held nothing back in his scathing assessment of the situation just prior to the bombshell, historic vote that ultimately removed McCarthy from the powerful leadership position.

"Yes, that is correct. The guy who says McCarthy is the Democrats' speaker is plotting and scheming with the radical Democrats to take out a Republican speaker who is more conservative than he is (McCarthy backed the Freedom Caucus CR and the cuts and border security, which Gaetz and 4 others killed)," Levin wrote.

He added, "There are now numerous reports that Gaetz is doing this not because he insists that McCarthy interfered with an ethics investigation of him, which a speaker cannot do and has never done. I might add that after two years it's about time the Ethics Committee release its report and either lift the cloud over Gaetz or clear him. Gaetz should demand this as well."

Levin posted several additional messages in which he went after Gaetz, including one that showed a screenshot of a fundraising email sent by Gaetz' team as the process unfolded in the House.

In yet another post, Levin slammed Gaetz for fundraising during the motion to vacate, calling into question his motives and picking apart his record.

"Gaetz is a POS demagogue who repeatedly lied during the House floor debate yesterday, and then, of course, simultaneously was fundraising and collecting email lists on behalf of the people," Levin wrote.

Since McCarthy's ouster, Republicans have scrambled to rally behind a potential replacement.

Levin shared the news this week that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is in the running, among other big names.

Only time will tell who fills the vacant position, but it had better happen fast, as the world is watching.