Man with hit list featuring Obama, Biden, and Clinton sentenced to prison

 June 22, 2024

Age 27 Kuachua Brillion Xiong was recently caught driving across the country from California to Washington, D.C., with the apparent intent to eliminate some of America's highest profile politicians.

As a result, U.S. District Court Judge Rebecca Goodgame has ordered Xiong to spend two years in a federal prison.

Xiong was found with a slew of weapons in his car and readily admitted to threatening to kill President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Regardless of how little you like the liberal elite at the top of America's government, trying to kill them probably isn't the way to go about instigating change.

After his two-year sentence is over, Xiong will then be required to complete three years of supervised release. reports that Xiong was also carrying a "hit list" in his vehicle that listed not just Biden, but also Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton.

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