Man Accused Of Attacking Congresswoman In D.C. Pleads Guilty

 June 2, 2023

Kendrid Khalil Hamlin has pleaded guilty to assaulting Democratic Minnesota Representative Angie Craig.

In addition to Craig, Hamlin also assaulted a detective AND a police officer on the very same day. Hamlin was arrested shortly after the attack on Craig occurred.

After her attack, Craig spoke out, saying that Hamlin should have faced consequences for his 12 previous assaults.

"I got attacked by someone who the District of Columbia has not prosecuted fully over the course of almost a decade, over the course of 12 assaults before mine that morning. And so I think we have to think about how in the world can we make sure that we’re not just letting criminals out," Craig said.

Hamlin apparently followed Craig into her apartment building and into the elevator in early February. Hamlin gained entry into the apartment by asking to use the bathroom. When Craig objected, Hamlin punched her.

Craig was able to escape by splashing hot coffee on her attacker.