Majority Of Independent Voters: Biden Is A 'Weak' President

 May 6, 2023

A recent YouGov poll is spelling disaster for President Joe Biden.

Republicans generally vote Republican, and Democrats generally vote Democrat, so often elections are left to be determined by independents.

Unfortunately for Biden, his numbers with independents are an absolute DISASTER right now:

An incredible 68% of independent voters assert that Biden is a weak leader, compared to just 30% who think he's a strong one.

Independents think that Biden's America is absolutely on the wrong track as only 17% of them support the direction this country is heading.

The economy is one of the biggest complaints against Biden, with 76% of independents calling America's current economy bad or poor. Just 17% think it is in good or excellent condition.

Only 33% of independents think that Biden is doing a satisfactory job as our president. A much higher 54% know that Biden is NOT handling his job well.

Finally, 57% of independents view Joe as unfavorably, compared to just 34% that view him favorably.

If these numbers, or anything close to them, remain until election day, goodnight, Joe.