Maine Supreme Court Declines To Rule On Trump Ballot Eligibility

 January 25, 2024

The Maine Supreme Court said NO to Secretary of State Shenna Bellows.

Its justices will not make any decision regarding Donald Trump’s eligibility for the state's primary ballot until the United Supreme Court makes a decision regarding the former president and Colorado's ballot.

Trump’s fate in Maine continues to hang in the balance despite Bellows doing everything she can think of to remove the former president.

Superior Court Justice Michaela Murphy says that “the United States Supreme Court’s acceptance of the Colorado case changes everything about the order in which these issues should be decided, and by which court."

Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Donald Trump, said that the former president trusts the SCOTUS to make the right decision.

“President Trump is confident that the United States Supreme Court will ultimately be fair and eliminate these meritless, sham '14th Amendment' cases once and for all. Until then, President Trump will continue to fight them off at every turn,” Cheung said.

What do you think the Supreme Court will decide?