Louisiana AG Says Establishment Media Would Sue Too If They Had Been Censored

 July 6, 2023

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry is helping lead a federal lawsuit "against government attempts at blocking what it deems misinformation on social media."

He thinks that anyone who has been affected like the citizens of his state have would be taking the same course of action.

That includes, in his estimation, the liberal fat cats working at the networks criticizing him for the move.

You don't really realize what free speech is until you don't have it anymore, but America's liberal networks have never had to go through that.

Landry thinks that their perspective would be a little bit different if they had experienced the conduct outlined in the lawsuit:

I’d like to know what The New York Times would do if then-President Trump would have sent someone into their editorial office and said, let me see your stories, here’s how you’re going to write them, oh, you can’t report that. If they would have done that, their hair would have been on fire. They would have been screaming at the top of their lungs. They would have went out there and found one of those fancy New York lawyers, and they would have slapped a lawsuit against then-President Trump. That’s the kind of hypocrisy that exists in the country today. This case basically shows to the American people the level of hypocrisy those in the government will go to to censor their ability to simply discuss issues with each other on social platforms.