Liberals resume fight over Biden's future after briefly focusing on Trump shooting

 July 17, 2024

I'm not saying that Joe Biden was necessarily happy to learn that Donald Trump had been shot in the ear while conducting a campaign rally, but at least the president's deteriorating mental health wasn't the main talking point in America for a few days.

Now that a few days have passed since a gunman missed Trump's brain by mere inches, liberals are returning to their internal stuggles.

Democratic members of Congress are once again feuding over whether or not Biden is mentally fit to represent them on Election Day 2024.

"People are back to being angry at Biden, and a push to sign on to this letter is going around ... the 'replace Biden' movement is back," one House Democrat explained to Axios.

It's obvious that Old Joe is certainly slowing down, but Democrats have relatively few options with which to replace him.

America hates Kamala Harris more than Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton has already lost to Donald Trump, and Michelle Obama has said multiple times she doesn't want the job.

Liberals are certainly in a pickle right now, and only time will tell if they find a way out, or if they're doomed to crash and burn with Joe Biden this November.