Liberal justices show during SCOTUS oral arguments that they don't know how guns work

By Jen Krausz on
 March 1, 2024

A significant amount of time was spent during recent Supreme Court oral arguments concerning a bump stock ban explaining exactly how the devices work and correcting misconceptions about them.

Liberal justices repeatedly said that bump stocks allow guns to be fired hundreds of times in a moment, which is not true.

“Why would even a person with arthritis think they needed to shoot 400 to seven or 800 rounds of ammunition under any circumstance if you don’t let a person without arthritis do that?” Elena Kagan asked the lawyer for gun store owner Michael Cargill, who was forced to turn his bump stocks in to investigators or face a felony conviction.

The lawyer pointed out that it wasn't possible to fire that many rounds at once and that the ammunition clip only holds 50 rounds, but they just didn't seem to get it.

“Everything about the bump firing process is manual. There is no automated device such as a spring or a motor in any of Mr. Cargill’s non-mechanical bump stocks. The process depends entirely on human effort and exertion, as the shooter must continually and repeatedly thrust the force stock of the rifle forward with his nonshooting hand while simultaneously maintaining backward pressure on the weapon with his shooting hand,” attorney Jonathan Mitchell clarified.

The ban was ruled unconstitutional by a lower court as well as the appeals court, but the federal government under President Joe Biden appealed those decisions.