Levin Slams Merrick Garland and Jack Smith for 2024 Election Interference

 July 20, 2023

Renowned conservative commentator and lawyer Mark Levin has accused top-ranking officials, including U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and Special Counsel Jack Smith, of purposefully intervening in the 2024 elections.

The accusations came to light via an ardent post on Twitter, just after the news circulated that the former President, Donald Trump, had become a target of Smith's grand jury investigation. According to Levin, this action was part of a greater effort by prosecutors to tarnish Trump's reputation and render him ineligible for the upcoming elections.

Levin's concerns were shared in his tweet, which is available on the Breitbart's website.

Levin's Concerns About Legal Actions Against Trump

Levin expressed deep concern about the actions taken against Trump. He emphasized the severity of the charges brought against Trump, ranging from federal to local, predominantly by Democrat prosecutors.

He argued that the extent of these charges, which he labelled as bogus, was not only alarming but shocking, causing the republic to teeter on the edge.

"The seriousness of what is being done to Donald Trump by local and federal Democrat prosecutors cannot be overstated. It is alarming. It is shocking. And this republic is teetering."

Challenges of Running for President Amid Legal Battles

Levin went on to detail the numerous legal battles Trump would have to wage while simultaneously running his re-election campaign. He stated that fighting these prosecutors while ensuring personal freedom and running for the presidency could be an enormous challenge.

Moreover, Levin noted, the prosecutors were well aware of the difficulty of this situation. He claimed that this was not the first time such attempts to interfere with presidential elections have occurred; he pointed to two previous attempts against Trump.

"All the while, he is running for re-election as president. It is extremely difficult to fight all these prosecutors, and fight for your freedom, and run for president at the same time. And these prosecutors know it."

Garland and Smith: Key Players in the Legal Onslaught

According to Levin, Garland and his radical upper echelon staff were intimately involved in these decisions. He showed particular disdain for Jack Smith, who was chosen by Garland to target Trump. He described Smith as far from being a "special counsel."

Levin attributed to Smith several actions that destroyed political careers, such as those of former Virginia governor and John Edwards. He also accused him of orchestrating the unconstitutional IRS attack on the Tea Party, which aimed to debilitate that movement.

"He destroyed a former Virginia governor, even though that conviction was unanimously overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. He destroyed what was left of John Edwards’s career, with a series of felony charges that were rejected by the trial jury."

Smith and Garland's Involvement Questioned

Furthermore, Levin pointed out that due to Smith's initiation of these criminal investigations, he conveniently creates his own immunity from Congressional oversight. He criticized Smith for avoiding questions from Congress by claiming to be in the midst of his self-created prosecutions.

This, Levin stressed, despite Smith's actions throwing both the election and the nation into a state of disarray. Levin questioned the motives and actions of both Smith and Garland, putting them in the spotlight as key players in this controversial scenario.

"Obviously, Garland found all of this to be a resume enhancement when he chose Smith to target Trump. Yet, because Smith triggers these criminal investigations, he creates his own immunity from congressional oversight."

DOJ's Unequal Enforcement of Laws

In the midst of all these accusations, Smith previously asserted to the public that "we have one set of laws in this country" as he announced the indictment of former President Trump in the so-called "documents" case.

Levin criticized this claim, stating that the Department of Justice had failed to prosecute Trump's rivals, Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden, for similar violations relating to the handling of government documents, classified documents, and classified materials.

"He did not explain why the Department of Justice had not prosecuted Trump’s opponents — Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden — for violations of the same the laws on the handling of government documents, classified documents, and classified materials."

  • Mark Levin has publicly accused U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Special Counsel Jack Smith, and other prosecutors of intervening in the 2024 elections.
  • He believes that Donald Trump is being targeted unjustly with a series of bogus charges, threatening the stability of the republic.
  • Levin stresses that it's immensely challenging for Trump to battle these accusations while running his re-election campaign.
  • Levin's accusations predominantly target Jack Smith, who was handpicked by Garland to target Trump.
  • Levin questions the Department of Justice's unequal enforcement of laws, particularly concerning the handling of classified documents.

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