Legal experts believe SCOTUS will rule in Trump ballot case

 January 2, 2024

Former President Donald Trump was removed from the 2024 primary ballots in Colorado and Maine.

While he's back on both state's ballots as legal challenges mount, the situation is still somewhat up in the air. Legal experts tend to agree that the U.S. Supreme Court will have the final say.

According to Newsmax, a number of legal experts believe the high court will have no choice but to intervene and offer a ruling on the unprecedented developments.

"The Colorado case definitely increased the likelihood that the U.S. Supreme Court will intervene," Doug Spencer, a law professor at the University of Colorado, explained to the Washington Examiner.

Professor Ray Brescia of Albany Law School echoed the same thought.

"Ultimately, this is just going to have to be decided by the Supreme Court," adding that the case is complex due to the various state-level procedures involved in making such a decision.

"[It] sort of opens the door for the Supreme Court to sort of duck the obviously politically charged question of whether the former president is barred by the 14th Amendment from running again," Brescia said.

He suggested that the burden of proof is higher on the parties that sued to have Trump removed from the ballot, at least in the Colorado case.

"It is much harder for the people who want to keep the former president off the ballot to win before the Supreme Court than it is for people who want him to stay on it," Brescia said, adding that he believes it's akin to a rare and difficult "triple bank" shot in billiards.

As it stands, the Colorado Republican Party has already appealed the removal decision to the Supreme Court. The group behind the push to remove Trump from the ballot has requested an expedited review.

Others have suggested that the high court might place an indefinite stay on the entire matter, holding it off until after the 2024 election cycle.

More legal scholars believe that Trump will ultimately remain on the ballot in Colorado and Maine, and any other states that could attempt the same move.

Worst-case scenario, if Trump isn't on the ballot in those states, he'll still likely clinch the nomination without much of an issue, given his dominance in all relevant polling.

Should the Supreme Court decide to not intervene, there will undoubtedly be additional blue states that take the same course of action, possibly throwing the 2024 election into absolute chaos.