Leaked Supreme Court documents suggest John Roberts' heavy involvement in Trump cases

 September 16, 2024

Leaked memos from the U.S. Supreme Court have revealed that Chief Justice John Roberts involved himself heavily in cases involving former President Donald Trump.

These leaks have led the mainstream media to describe Robert's actions as "strongarming" and "bullying" his fellow justices into letting him take the lead.

One such case was tackling whether states could remove the former president from their ballots over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, unrest at the Capitol. This case was smacked down as it should have been because if it had succeeded, it would have given states unlimited power to remove federal candidates from state ballots.

Roberts' decision to take the lead on a case with such polarization and implications for the functioning of the nation makes sense. But that hasn't stopped Democrats from screeching about his supposedly "strongarming" the court.

The chief justice has played a key role in other critical cases involving Trump, but those cases also often carried massive implications for the rest of the nation.

While the mainstream media is screaming about allegedly improper conduct, it appears that Roberts is doing his job as the chief justice and taking the helm at the most important moments.