Klukowski: Intention Of Clarence Thomas Smears Is Reverse Court-Packing

 August 15, 2023

Ken Klukowski is a legal expert and author at Breitbart.com.

In other words, he has credibility. When he talks about the law, you should listen.

Klukowski recently clued America in on what liberals have been up to with their recent smear campaign against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

The commentator claimed that the Democrats are trying to conduct reverse court-packing by forcing conservatives off certain cases.

As Klukowski noted, Thomas himself said of the recent controversy surrounding gifts and hospitality he has accepted over the years:

Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable.

In other words, all of the allegations against Thomas that he wrongly accepted gifts without properly disclosing them are completely false.

Thomas was never supposed to report the things he's accused of hiding.

He wasn't hiding anything. He was following the rules. Democrats just aren't familiar enough with that concept to be able to identify it when it happens.