Kevin McCarthy Supports Holding FBI Director Wray In Contempt

 June 7, 2023

If FBI Director Christopher Wray is expecting any help from Republicans in the near future, he's going to have to look somewhere other than Kevin McCarthy.

Reports are in that the House speaker is fully supporting the House Oversight Committee's decision to hold Wray in contempt after the FBI failed to comply with its subpoena.

McCarthy was willing to work with liberals to get the debt deal done, but what Kevin is NOT about to do is work with liberals to make sure that justice isn't pursued.

Just because Wray is a federal employee doesn't mean he's exempt from the same rules that the rest of us are.

If I failed to comply with a subpoena, I would be held in contempt. The same should be true for the people in our government.

Wray needs to be held accountable for his actions. McCarthy and House Oversight Committee chair James Comer are trying to do exactly that.