McCarthy says Biden intends to default on debt rather than cut spending

 May 22, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) blasted President Joe Biden for his refusal to negotiate with Republicans over the debt ceiling. Unless something changes, the United States will default on its debt and it's all because Biden refuses to cut spending.

McCarthy tweeted on Saturday, "President Biden doesn’t think there is a single dollar of savings to be found in the federal government’s budget. He’d rather be the first president in history to default on the debt than to risk upsetting the radical socialists who are calling the shots for Democrats right now."

Negotiations are currently moving "backward" according to McCarthy, and President Biden has been openly hostile towards making any kind of concessions to get a deal done.

Republicans hold power in the House of Representatives and as such, the ball is in President Biden's court. He will have to compromise to reach an agreement and avoid a massive disaster.

The United States could hit the debt limit as soon as June and instead of negotiating, President Biden flew off to Japan for the G7 Summit.

At this point, a default seems inevitable with the president spending time rubbing shoulders with the world's elite at the G7 Summit. So much for being the Uniter-In-Chief.