Kevin McCarthy in dire straits, House Republicans ready to oust him

 June 11, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) barely won his bid for the gavel in January, and he made a lot of promises to do so. Now, he has broken many of them, and a number of Republicans, especially those in the House Freedom Caucus, have knives out for him.

McCarthy's debt ceiling deal with President Joe Biden was seen by many as a betrayal of the promises he made not that long ago to secure crucial votes.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said, "If a majority of Republicans are against a piece of legislation and you use Democrats to pass it, that would immediately be a black-letter violation of the deal we had with McCarthy. And it would likely trigger an immediate motion to vacate."

Representative Dan Bishop (R-FL) also floated removing McCarthy, but the entire caucus needs to come to a consensus before a vote to remove McCarthy is held.

McCarthy's willingness to cave into President Biden came as no surprise to conservatives who didn't want McCarthy as House Speaker months ago. This betrayal also reflects badly on Trump, who pulled strings to get McCarthy in as the House speaker.

For many conservatives, seeing McCarthy removed as House speaker would be a welcome sight after what some view as a pattern of betrayal and failure.