Ken Buck predicts McCarthy will break his word on omnibus spending bills

By Jen Krausz on
 July 14, 2023

House Freedom Caucus member Ken Buck (R-CO) predicted to Fox News Digital that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will break his word to not do omnibus spending bills this year because "for eight and a half years, we've done the same thing every time."

"Leadership has promised, either Democrat or Republican leadership, has promised that we're going to do 12 appropriations bills," Buck said. "We start on those 12 appropriations bills. There's a hiccup for some reason, the Senate doesn't do that. And we end up doing a large omnibus or, maybe at best, a couple of minute mini-buses."

Buck's comments underscore the point that it's not all up to McCarthy whether omnibus bills happen, but if that's the case, McCarthy really shouldn't make those kinds of promises.

Buck predicted that there would be a continuing resolution by September to continue on the same spending priorities until just before the holiday recess and that the holiday season would pressure lawmakers to do an omnibus at the end of the year.

He was also against McCarthy's debt ceiling deal and participated in a week-long protest on the House floor about that bill, which had bipartisan support.

"I don't have a lot of faith that we will reduce spending, we will follow any kind of spending limit. Ultimately, we will end up with a huge spending bill in December," Buck said.