Kellyanne Conway speaks out about Democrat-run, crime-ridden cities

 July 3, 2023

Kellyanne Conway, a noted Republican strategist, said she has some solutions to crime as it continues spreading "everywhere right now."

Conway reacted to Wisconsin State Senator LaTonya Johnson arguing against more police in suburban areas on the floor of the state's upper chamber.

Johnson was arguing on behalf of constituents that live the in the city commented that those in suburbia do not understand the lifestyle.

The lawmaker said, "f*** the suburbs."

"Crime is so random and capricious right now and is everywhere right now," Conway said Johnson's statement.

"Now you see why people have so little faith in their elected officials is all the problems that are right in front of them," Conway continued. "We're used to the right-left, red-blue divide, but to have the urban-suburban divide quite like that, out of the mouth of a state legislator, it’s not true and doesn’t help."

Conway noted that Wisconsin is run by Democratic Governor Tony Evers and Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez, adding that Democrat-run cities are among America's more crime-ridden areas.

The GOP strategist said that voters who want solutions to crimes might vote against Democratic candidates.

"Because crime used to be a nonpartisan issue with bipartisan solutions, and this party has so hurt themselves on the border with security, crime in our neighborhoods, this feeling of a lack of economic security, this feeling of vulnerability, this feeling that people don’t think that they can live a safe life, pay their dues, and make a difference," said Conway.