Kari Lake questions wisdom of sending more funds to Ukraine 'to kill people'

 February 23, 2024

Amid the ongoing battle in the U.S. House over passage of a controversial funding bill that would provide an additional $90 billion to Ukraine, Arizona Republican Senate hopeful Kari Lake is demanding answers as to why American taxpayers should send funds overseas “to kill people,” as a clip of her recent appearance on American Sunrise reveals.

Lake offered a list of concerns she has regarding another massive infusion of U.S. aid to Ukraine, outlining what she believes would be far more productive uses of those dollars.

The conservative firebrand's appearance on the Real America's Voice morning show gained steam when she was asked by one of the program's two hosts about why she believes so many lawmakers in D.C. appear to be prioritizing Ukraine over the nation's own concerns.

“Why though, such a rush in the U.S. Senate to send cash to Ukraine with zero accountability for the cash we've already spent – tens of billions of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars,” the host began.

The questioner continued, noting that the money that would go to Ukraine would have to be borrowed and wondering, “Why do so many GOP senators we thought were so conservative jump on this Ukraine bandwagon?”

Lake was then asked, “And if there's going to be more money that goes to Ukraine, why not make it in the form of a loan, rather than a gift?”

It was then that Lake held forth about all the problems she sees with continued injections of money when the United States has yet to properly confront many of its own pressing dilemmas.

“Why are we just handing over money with no strings attached, especially when America is falling apart at the seams,” Lake inquired.

Pointing to suspicions of corruption in Ukraine, Lake said, “We know that all of that money, there's no accountability, we know it's buying yachts, some of it was being laundered, and making its way into the accounts of politicians here in America and God knows where else.”

“Maybe some of this money is being laundered and then going into NGOs that are then harvesting ballots, we just have no accountability, and the American people are fed up,” Lake continued.

Suggesting alternative applications for the massive sum being pushed by the Senate, Lake mused, “You know what $95 billion could buy? It could buy 237,000 Americans a $400,000 home, and we're sending that over to kill people overseas.”

“It's insane, the amounts are so staggering that it's hard to even imagine what that kind of money could do,” she added, noting that just $60 billion “could build the border wall, solve all of the western United States' water issues, and then have money to help end the homeless crisis.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) seems to agree with that stance, and he has held firm in recent weeks in his refusal to bring the Senate-backed measure to a floor vote due to the absence of provision addressing the need for enhanced security at our own southern border.

Johnson's position, however, has left him vulnerable to two separate initiatives – one from Democrats and one from a GOP-aligned group – pushing the concept of a motion to discharge which, if successful, would sidestep the speaker's objections and force a vote on the funding bill, but whether sufficient numbers of Republicans will act contrary to his – and Lake's – wishes and get the measure over the finish line, only time will tell.