Kamala Harris working hard to cover up administration's Medicare mistakes

 August 17, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is definitely in the honeymoon stage of her campaign right now.

She's experienced a bump for being a (somewhat) fresh new face, and people were even excited to learn about who her VP choice was going to be.

All of those things contributed to her immediately polling much better than Joe Biden had been against Donald Trump.

However, there's a ticking time bomb that could immediately end Harris' honeymoon stage and send her poll numbers crashing back down to reality.

That time bomb would be Medicare and how it has been impacted by the Biden-Harris administration's Inflation Reduction Act.

The act was SUPPOSED to help Americans with a host of economic issues, including prescription drug prices. It did temporarily, but Medicare beneficiaries are going to see MASSIVE increases to their monthly premiums in the near future as a result.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are just praying that it doesn't happen before the November election.

If it does, this single issue could sink their entire campaign.