Kamala Harris hits lowest approval rating of any vice president on record

By Jen Krausz on
 June 28, 2023

An NBC News poll has revealed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the most unpopular person in history to occupy her role.

The poll showed that 49% of voters have a negative view of Harris, and only 32% have a favorable view of her, with a net -17% favorability.

In comparison, Mike Pence was at -4 in Oct. 2019, Joe Biden at +1 in Dec. 2010, Dick Cheney at +23 in May 2003, and Al Gore at +15 in March 1995.

The White House is desperately trying to rehabilitate Harris' image, fearful that voters will be afraid she will end up as president as a result of President Joe Biden's declining health. Sixty-eight percent of poll respondents said they don't think Biden is fit to serve another term as president.

It seems that the more they try, though, the more the public dislikes her.

Biden has refused to dump her as his vice president for the same reason he picked her -- she fits his woke criteria of being Black and female.