Judge loses lawsuit challenging suspension from the bench

 July 12, 2024

U.S. Circuit Judge Pauline Newman may be 97 years old, but she feels she's still fit to serve on the bench.

As evidenced by her recent suspension, many people around her do not agree.

Now, Newman is hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court will eventually decide her case and see that she isn't being forced out because she's incapable, but that she's being forced out because she's simply disliked.

"I think it's my obligation to stand up for the judiciary, to stand up for independent judges who happen to be disliked by their colleagues," Pauline Newman said.

"In everything that's been released by my opponents, their very first sentence states my age," Newman continued. "Even though one isn't supposed to discriminate because of age, I imagine that that does sort of close the minds of a lot of people."

According to Reuters, "Newman is the oldest U.S. federal judge not to have taken part-time senior status. Appointed to the Federal Circuit by Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1984, she is a respected figure in patent law and a prominent dissenter at the court, which frequently rules on cases involving major companies."

Do you think Newman should be able to remain on the bench?

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