Judge issues bombshell ruling in Hunter Biden tax case, will allow damaging evidence to be used

 August 22, 2024

Hunter Biden's upcoming trial just became substantially more interesting and nothing less than a total nightmare for the president's son.

According to the Daily Mail, Hunter's high-profile new attorney, Mark Geragos, attempted to convince the judge in a pre-trial hearing to "keep the jury from learning about the sordid details of the prostitutes, drugs, porn sites, Lamborghini rentals and hotel rooms for drug-fueled benders."

All of those things were written off by the first son as business expenses, which is what landed him in hot water and, ultimately, federal tax evasion charges.

Hunter Biden and his lawyers pulled out all of the stops, including bringing in expert witnesses, such as psychologists, to convince a jury that trauma from his younger years was the reason for Hunter's behavior and decisions.

Judge Mark Scarsi didn't buy it. Not for a second.

The judge even blocked expert witness Joshua Lee from testifying at the upcoming trial, which is set to kick off next month in Los Angeles.

The Mail noted:

Special Counsel David Weiss indicted Hunter on three felonies and six misdemeanors in December, accusing the First Son of deliberately evading taxes, falsifying his returns and failing to pay $1.4million on time – instead spending the money on a 'lavish lifestyle' for a three-year period between 2016 to 2019.

Department of Justice prosecutor Leo Wise hinted at the hearing about some of the evidence that will be used in the trial, all of which is unbecoming, to say the least.

The two sides fought over proving or denying that Hunter Biden intentionally wrote off many of his extracurricular activities as business expenses.

Judge Scarsi made it clear to the defense what can and can't be said to the jury during the trial,and threatened "six-figure" fines if they decide to break the rules.

Geragos argued that "He had every intention of cleaning up his life, of doing the filings, of paying his taxes," referring to Hunter's addiction to crack cocaine as the cause of his problems.

Hunter Biden's lawyers had also previously attempted to get the case thrown out, an effort that was also shot down.

It looks as though Hunter Biden has a mountain of a legal issue ahead of him, and there's no telling what the jury will think when they see all of the damning evidence.