Judge dismisses gun charges against KS resident in potentially pivotal case

 August 24, 2024

A federal judge who had been appointed by Donald Trump made a massive ruling recently, one so big that most ears around America have perked up once they've heard about it.

The Associated Press reported that "U.S. District Judge John W. Broomes issued a ruling in Wichita, Kansas, dismissing two separate lawsuits against an individual identified as Tamori Morgan, who was previously accused of possessing a conversion device for his AM-15 .300-caliber machine gun known as a 'Glock switch.' This device can make a semi-automatic gun fire bullets like a machine gun."

The ruling is being appealed, but if it stands, Broomes' ruling in Kansas could have a major impact in how Second Amendments cases are treated all across America.

"The court finds that the Second Amendment applies to the weapons charged because they are 'bearable arms' within the original meaning of the amendment," Broomes wrote in his decision, citing recent U.S. Supreme Court precedent.

The ruling added that as a result of the high court's take, the government owns the burden of proof "to show that the regulation is consistent with this nation's historical firearm regulation tradition."

Prosecutors had argued that machine guns were not protected by the Second Amendment, and this outcome represents a strong counterpoint to their position.