Joe Manchin Turns On Biden, Heaps Praise On Republicans

 May 30, 2023

Things have gotten REALLY bad for Joe Biden in recent months. Don't get me wrong, he's been on a permanent downslide every since being elected, but even the most cynical of Biden haters couldn't have even seen a fall so great coming.

They've gotten so bad that even Democrats are starting to distance themselves from Biden's opinions. Joe has proven himself so clueless on so many different issues, that even aligning with him lowers your political credibility.

That's why Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, is heaping praise on Republicans for reaching an agreement on America's debt ceiling. It's also why Manchin completely ignored thanking Biden on the issue.

"Last summer, I introduced legislation to complete the MVP," Manchin said. He added:

I am pleased Speaker McCarthy and his leadership team see the tremendous value in completing the MVP to increase domestic energy production and drive down costs across America and especially in WV.

What do you think? Is it a bombshell that a Democrat wouldn't even acknowledge Biden? Or has Biden been so far off for so long that this doesn't surprise you anymore?