Joe Biden's popularity collapses to the lowest level of his entire presidency

 November 19, 2023

President Joe Biden is more unpopular than ever before, and a new poll from Fox News released on Thursday found that his numbers have never been worse with the election just a year away.

Biden has been on the decline with voters for a while now thanks to his inability to handle a variety of important issues from the economy to foreign policy.

Biden's approval rating sits at a dismal 40%, and when you break the numbers down further, the story only gets worse.

Of those who approve of Biden, only 17% strongly approve of Biden's performance versus 43% who strongly disapprove of Biden's performance over the past three years.

Now what should really worry Democrats is the fact that Biden is performing badly with groups that typically favor their candidate. Most notably, the poll found that 60% of Hispanic voters disapprove of Biden.

Biden is also doing badly with young voters and even African American voters who are generally seen as a core voting bloc for Democrats. Time is running out, and Democrats should realistically consider another option in 2024.