Joe Biden's new 'antisemitism strategy' leaves exceptions for radical leftists

 May 29, 2023

President Joe Biden has revealed a new “antisemitism strategy" that conservatives are warning leaves room for radical leftists to continue their attacks on Israel while also giving them a new tool to use against conservatives.

The strategy, which lays out a seemingly comprehensive series of 100 new actions to combat antisemitism, has left out some key issues, seemingly to crater to progressives, some of whom have famously been accused of antisemitism.

Breitbart's Joel Pollak did a breakdown of the new strategy and pointed out that nowhere in the document was the denial of Israel's right to exist deemed antisemitic.

The lack of support for the state of Israel was intentional as the Democrat Party has quietly opposed Israel and rabid antisemites like Representatives Rashida Tlaib (D-MA) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) have even publicly made and defended grossly offensive and antisemitic statements.

Multiple Democrats have made undeniably antisemitic attacks on Israel and its people, and yet the Democrat Party, including President Biden, have staunchly defended those offenders.

The president's antisemitism strategy is worthless if it doesn't condemn the most common form of antisemitism that exists in American politics.