Joe Biden Snaps At Reporter Who Dares Ask About 'Big Guy' Reference

 June 17, 2023

We've known that Joe Biden was the "Big Guy" referred to in Hunter Biden's circle for years now, but the president doesn't want to admit it.

He recently snapped at a reporter for asking whether he was indeed the person referred to as the "Big Guy" in an FBI document, which discussed a $5,000,000 bribe from a Ukrainian executive.

The bribe was from energy company Burisma, on the board of which Hunter Biden once sat.

Burisma was under investigation by Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, so Joe Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in American aid from Ukraine if the government didn't fire Shokin.

The government did just that, and the investigation into Burisma ceased.

A short while later, the Bidens were blessed with $5,000,000. Joe Biden doesn't want you to know that, though.

"Why did the Ukraine FBI informant file refer to you as the ‘Big Guy’, President Biden? Why is that term continuously applied?" a New York Post reporter asked.

"Why do you ask such a dumb question?" Biden shot back.

I guess Joe isn't telling.