Joe Biden NAILED In Child Trafficking Scandal At Border

 May 1, 2023

Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn blasted President Joe Biden for his apparent indifference to a trafficking scandal.

Blackburn attacked Biden and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra for their "turning a blind eye" to a labor trafficking pipeline.

The lawmaker said the pipeline of trafficked laborers now includes many unaccompanied alien children (UACs) after they are released into the United States by the federal government.

"Since Biden took office, HHS officials have lost contact with some 85,000 UACs after releasing them into the U.S. interior to adult sponsors — the overwhelming majority of whom are not their biological parents," reported Breitbart.

"Reports indicate that top Biden officials such as Becerra and Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice have ignored warnings that UACs are ending up in a widespread labor trafficking pipeline as well as sex trafficking and general abuse at the hands of their adult sponsors," according to Breitbart News.

Blackburn asked in a letter to Becerra, "Have you turned a blind eye to your department’s role in child trafficking?"

The senator wrote that Biden’s lax immigration enforcement policies are far from the "humane and compassionate" agenda that Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary, has claimed that the agency is carrying out.

"As you know, many of these children who have been placed with sponsors have been forced to work dangerous jobs across the country in violation of child labor laws," Blackburn wrote. She added:

By losing contact with over 85,000 children, your Department has failed to uphold its basic obligation to ensure that these children are placed with sponsors who will protect them. Even more troubling, initial reporting indicated that case management officers were aware of children in exploitative situations, yet the Department did not act.

Democrats have spent years telling the American people that their immigration policies are compassionate and humane, but there is nothing compassionate about turning a blind eye to the victimization of children.