Joe Biden Lies About Frequency Of Mass Shootings

 May 9, 2023

I wish this was an article I didn't have to write at all, because it's my hope that there would have been ZERO mass shootings in America in 2023.

Unfortunately, that hasn't happened.

But the idea that there's been TWO-HUNDRED mass shootings in America in 2023 as President Joe Biden just suggested is absolutely ludicrous.

"American communities have suffered roughly 200 mass shootings already this year, according to leading counts," our fossil of a president recently claimed.

It would appear as though Biden can't count, or he simply made up his own definition of what qualifies as a mass shooting.

The Associated Press isn't exactly a red-blooded conservative enterprise, but even the database over there shows a still-too-high but only 19 mass shootings in America between Jan. 1 and May 2 of 2023.

Unless there were over 180 mass shootings in America in the last week alone, Biden's bogus numbers couldn't possibly be true.

It's sick that not only are they using tragedies to push agendas, but that they're lying about them.