Joe Biden confuses MSNBC interview with White House press conference

 May 7, 2023

President Joe Biden announced on Friday afternoon that he was going to conduct a “major press conference," but it turned out to be an interview with MSNBC.

Biden told reporters that, "We’ve got a lot of work to do and I’m doing a major press conference this afternoon, but I love y’all, but I’d like to ask you to leave so we can get down to business."

Biden's statement generated massive buzz, as he hadn't conducted a press conference since November of last year. However, it seems President Biden was simply confused and had forgotten what the day's schedule was.

What is worse, it seems he was unable to make a distinction between holding a press conference and conducting a mostly scripted interview with MSNBC.

Joe Biden should be holding press conferences more often, but such unscripted events would never fly with Biden's declining health.

Biden is simply not capable of answering questions, especially adversarial questions about the many crises facing the nation. The president can hardly remember where he is, so a press conference would likely do untold damage to his administration.