Joe Biden COLLAPSES in polls...only 37 percent Democrat support

 June 17, 2023

President Joe Biden's support continues to collapse.

Biden does not get a majority of support in his 2024 reelection bid in a crowded field of Democrats running for office in a recent poll.

"The survey listed Biden along with a string of prospective challengers — from former first lady Michelle Obama to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Across the board, over one-third of Democrats, 37 percent, support Biden in the Democrat primary," Breitbart reported. "Notably, that reflects a two-point drop from the 39 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents who said they would support him last month."

Although Biden doesn't get a majority of the support, no other candidate comes close either, which means a majority of voters could be expected to vote Republican.

"But an interesting thing happens when you narrow the choices to just Biden and the two newcomers who are often touted in the media as potential outside challengers: Kennedy, and author and politician Marianne Williamson. Then, Biden gets 68% support, compared to 12% for Kennedy and just 4% for Williamson, with 4% saying 'someone else' and 12% saying 'not sure,'" Breitbart reported.

At the same time, Trump's support within the Republican base continues to soar.

"The survey comes as questions still linger around both Biden’s age and health moving forward. Last week’s survey from the Economist/YouGov, for example, found a plurality of U.S. adults expressing the belief that Biden’s age and health 'severely' limit his ability to do his job," reported Breitbart.