Joe Biden caught repeating dubious claim he frequented black church doing civil rights era

 January 16, 2023

President Joe Biden was caught repeating a dubious story that he regularly attended a black church in Wilmington, Delaware, despite being a practicing Roman Catholic.

The president made the claim during remarks celebrating the birthday of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta on Sunday.

During the remarks, Biden said, "Let's lay one thing to rest. I may be a practicing Catholic, but [I] used to go to 7:30 Mass every morning in high school and then in college before I went to the Black church. Not a joke, Andy knows this."

Back in 2020 while campaigning for president, Biden claimed that he organized anti-segregation protests at the church in question.

Biden claimed that "When I was a teenager in Delaware, for real, I got involved in the civil rights movement. I’d go to 8 o’clock Mass, then I’d go to Rev. Herring’s church where we’d meet in order to organize and figure where we were going to go, whether we were going to desegregate the Rialto movie theater or what we were going to do."

Both of those claims have been heavily contested, and considering the president's history of peddling false stories to pander for votes, this one is likely false as well. It's disgraceful that the president of the United States continues to push tall tales in front of the whole world.