Joe Biden calls for Supreme Court reform

 July 25, 2024

Joe Biden is really having one of the most disastrous stretches that any American president has ever had.

First, he embarrassed himself in front of the nation during his debate with Donald Trump.

As a result, he was pretty much forced to resign from the top of the Democratic Party and endorse Kamala Harris to take his job.

His wife is under fire too, for lying to America for so long about the condition of her husband and now suddenly pivoting to saying that Kamala Harris should take over the position of president.

Now, Joe Biden is being attacked for his terrible attempt to corrupt the U.S. Supreme Court and force the current justices out simply because the panel currently leans conservative.

All of a sudden, Biden is on a crusade to impose term limits and other restrictions on the Supreme Court.

You can bet your biffy he would NEVER be demanding these measures if the court were currently controlled by liberals.

Joe Biden is corrupt, and this call to "reform" the Supreme Court simply because they're not siding with him at every turn is just another disgusting example of that.