Jim Jordan Says The Biden 'Brand' Referenced By Devon Archer Is Joe Biden

 August 3, 2023

Hunter Biden made his fortune selling the "Biden Brand" to foreign business partners, according to his former associate, Devon Archer.

The president's son will tell you the lie that he was as big of a draw in the "Biden Brand" as daddy was, but that simply isn't true.

If Hunter's name carried the type of weight he is suggesting, then why did he need to include Daddy Joe on over 20 phone calls in business meetings to sell "the brand?"

The reason is that Hunter Biden is lying. The "Biden Brand" was nothing more than Joe Biden's influence.

To paint it as anything else is lying, and Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio knows it.

The lawmaker said, "The value Hunter Biden brought to the business arrangement was the Biden brand, and the Biden brand was Joe Biden, a powerful political figure in D.C."

When the White House tells you that Joe Biden wasn't there, they are LYING.

We have the proof.