Jesse Watters addresses Biden's falling polling numbers

 December 21, 2023

President Joe Biden's polling numbers have been bad for some time, but they're getting worse, and the timing for his reelection campaign is absolutely a nightmare scenario for the White House.

Fox News host Jesse Watters recently addressed Biden's continued fall in the polls.

The popular primetime personality noted that Biden's numbers, especially against Trump at this time of the election cycle, are dismal, and spell nothing short of doom for Democrats in the 2024 election.

"Donald Trump extending his lead to three and a half points against Biden in the RealClearPolitics average. A Republican hasn't had a lead like that in 20 years. McCain, Romney, Trump, both past elections, have never been ahead that much, not since Bush was beating Kerry in 2004," Watters said during a recent airing of Jesse Watters Primetime.

He added, "Biden is losing every swing state, and his approval rating hit an all-time low, 34%. But Biden says the polls are fake, right as a Sedan slammed into his motorcade."

Watters doubled down, noting that Biden and his surrogates are pretending like polls aren't a big deal, when in reality, it's a total disaster.

"Biden is acting cocky in public, but behind the scenes, he's furious. The Washington Post reports Biden delivered some stern words for the small group assembled. His poll numbers were unacceptably low, and he wanted to know what his team and his campaign were doing about it," he said.

Watters continued, "No one likes to blame their staff more than I do, but Biden hired the staff, and they can't sell the public on policies that aren't working. These are Biden policies."

He dialed in on the fact that Biden will unlikely be debating Donald Trump next year, but he won't have the same excuse as he did last time for hiding in his basement for a duration of the 2020 campaign.

"If Biden could sell them, then he wouldn't be taking four-day weekends. This isn't 2020. He can't hide in the basement and have the staff spin the press," the Fox host said.

Watters added, "Even Barack Obama knows he's going to lose. A source told the Journal Obama knows this is going to be a close race and feels the Democrats very well could lose. But Hillary is in Joe's corner."

Many, including high-profile Democrats, have suggested that the Democratic Party swap in a new candidate before it's too late to do so. While it would be a massive gamble, it's still probably a better shot than what Biden currently has in terms of beating Trump next year.

Only time will tell if the Democrat Party takes drastic action to give themselves a shot at actually retaining the White House.