Jay Leno Files For Conservatorship Over Wife

 January 28, 2024

Entertainment legend Jay Leno has filed for a conservatorship over his wife.

Mavis Leno has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

It is unclear exactly when the diagnosis came about, but Leno's filings didn't emerge until the end of this month.

A conservatorship is a legal construct in which one person is responsible for a second person's personal and financial decisions.

This usually happens in situations in which the second person is a minor or incapacitated.

Just because the Lenos are rich and famous, doesn't mean their life is perfect.

On top of this Alzheimer's diagnosis, about one year ago, Jay Leno suffered major burns when a car he was working on with a friend exploded.

Just months after that incident, the comedian broke his collarbone in a motorcycle accident.

Prayers go out to the Lenos at this time. Regardless of their status, this is a situation that we wish they never had to deal with.