James Carville suggests Harris break with Biden's policies to be a 'fresh' Dem candidate.

 September 4, 2024

Even though most Democrats successfully gaslit their base into believing that everything was fine under President Joe Biden, now that Vice President Kamala Harris is the nominee, some Democratic strategists are finally admitting the truth.

One of those is veteran Democratic Party strategist James Carville, who recently penned an op-ed for the New York Times in which he urged Harris to break away from Biden's policies. Of course, he wrote it under the guise of it being the best advice for her to be a "fresh" candidate, Axios reported.

What he could have really said is how bad Biden's policies were and how bad the elderly, confused president took America off the tracks, but that would have meant too much backlash for breaking the narrative.

Regardless, Carville said Harris should "respectfully" and "honestly" embrace the differences in policy that she has with Biden instead of clinging to them.

"To be the certified fresh candidate, Ms. Harris must clearly and decisively break from Mr. Biden on a set of policy priorities she believes would define her presidency," Carville wrote.

Carville also urged Harris to showcase a "growth mindset" as a way to differentiate from her previous run as the nominee, which was nothing short of a humiliating disaster. She dropped out of the race before the first vote was cast.

Harris has understandably been mocked and criticized heavily for her seemingly never-ending flip-flopping on major issues like fracking and health care.

Axios noted:

On immigration, she pledged to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border, which she had previously called "un-American" during the Trump administration.

On health care, she's no longer pushing Medicare for All, Politico reported last month. On energy, she said she wouldn't ban fracking during her first formal interview as the nominee.

Even though he knows better, Carville also made sure to stick to the narrative that the base is excited about Harris as the nominee, when in reality, a month ago, she was chopped liver with the same people and in polling.

"The most thunderous sound in politics is the boom of a single page as it turns from one chapter to the next" Carville wrote, adding: "I know that Kamala Harris represents that next chapter. If she stays fresh, soon the American people will, too."

Though left-leaning Axios attempted to cover for Carville, he also flip-flopped on the idea of Harris being the nominee.

Carville, like anyone else in the party with a brain and experience, knew Harris was a poor choice and previously wanted a regional town hall-style concept to pick Biden's replacement.

Like other sellouts in the leftist-driven mainstream media, Carville quickly took his marching orders from the DNC and changed his mind, later praising Harris as the best choice for the job.

If and when Harris loses, it'll be interesting to see if gaslighters like Carville and others will flop again and play the "I told you so" card.