Jack Smith wants to delay Donald Trump's classified documents trial

 June 25, 2023

Special counsel Jack Smith has requested a delay of former President Donald Trump's classified documents trial, which is currently scheduled for August.

Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday set the trial date for August 14, but Smith wants to delay the trial by nearly four months, with a December 11 start date.

Smith is arguing that since Trump's legal team will require interim security clearances because of the classified information in the case, the trial should be delayed to nearly next year.

The prosecution's filing states, "Even with the prompt production the government has arranged, the inclusion of additional time for defense counsel to review and digest the discovery, to make their own decisions about any production to the government, and for the government to review the same, is reasonable and appropriate."

With all the possible delays that could happen, Trump's trial could very well not occur until after the 2024 presidential election.

That is exactly what Democrats want, as it will allow them to use the trial against Trump for the entire campaign cycle. No doubt the aim is to stretch the trial on as long as possible to stop Trump's 2024 efforts in their tracks.