Italy pulls out of Chinese scheme to spread influence through 'infrastructure' projects worldwide

 December 9, 2023

China has multiple "world domination" projects ongoing in its quest to level as much influence on the world as possible.

However, according to Breitbart, the communist nation just hit a major snag after Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sent a letter to Bejing saying that her country would no longer be part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The initiative was described by Breitbart as "Xi Jinping’s pet project to expand Chinese influence throughout the world."

Clearly embarrassed by Italy dropping out of the project, the letter to Bejing wasn't even made public until days later when Milan newspaper reported it.

Italy's decision to withdraw from the communist-led project came after China refused modifications to the agreement made by Italy.

Breitbart noted:

While Rome had attempted to modify its agreement before the renewal deadline set for the end of the year, Meloni’s overtures were ultimately rejected by the communist government, precipitating the decision to leave the partnership with China.

The entire initiative is a crock, at best, that only stands to benefit China. Through the use of predatory loans, it would allow infrastructure projects to be built in poor and developing countries and areas. International observers describe it as a "debt-trap diplomacy."

That's because if and when those countries can't repay the infrastructure loans, China gets to take huge swaths of land, which is obviously their ultimate goal.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) applauded the Italian prime minister for pulling out of the dirty, communist project.

"Prime Minister @GiorgiaMeloni's decision to withdraw Italy from China's fraudulent Belt and Road Initiative should serve as a wake up call to all nations that are victims of this scheme," Rubio wrote in an X post.

While she was applauded for leaving the deal, the prime minister will now have to deal with potential fallout, as China may seek to punish Rome in the markets for the embarrassment caused.

Still, it was the right call, according to most, and hopefully others will follow suit.