Israel To Demand Apology From CNN

 May 20, 2023

Israeli officials are set to file a letter of complaint against CNN regarding the network's coverage of a traveling family on whose death it reported.

Anchor Christiane Amanpour claimed that murdered members of the holidaying Dee family were "killed in a shootout."

"The mother and two Israel-British sisters – they were killed in a shootout," Amanpour said.

Amanpour seemed to imply in the phrasing that there was a two-way exchange of gunfire rather than a Palestinian terror attack on unarmed civilians.

"The Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed it is working on a complaint to the broadcaster after a source saw a draft of the letter," according to the Jerusalem Post.

"48-year-old mother of five Lucy Dee and her two daughters were on a holiday drive through northern Samaria to visit the city of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee when terrorist gunmen ambushed their car, forcing it off the road and then raking it with bullets," reported Breitbart.

Lucy Dee was transported to a hospital where she passed away. Dee's daughters Maia, 20, and Rina, 15, were killed in the attack.

"Two suspects in the killings were identified as members of terrorist group Hamas while a third man accused of helping them were killed in a joint operation in the West Bank city of Nablus by the army, police and Shin Bet security service," reported Breitbart.

"Israeli troops recovered two M-16 rifles and an AK-47 from the apartment where the terrorists were holed up," reported Breitbart.

Rabbi Leo Dee, husband and father of the victims, is demanding an apology from CNN for Amanpour's reporting that called the incident a "shootout."

"This is the perfect example of 'terror journalism,' where you have moral equivalence between the terrorist and victim," Dee said.

"This type of journalism perpetuates the conflict in the Middle East," Dee added. "The real cycle of violence is a comment like this followed by a terrorist atrocity and then more of the same."

CNN has not responded to the demand for an apology.