Investigation Begins After Cocaine Confirmed In White House

 July 7, 2023

The White House is officially kicking its investigation into who brought cocaine onto the premises into high gear.

A source familiar with the matter explained that "cocaine discovered in the White House on Sunday was found in a cubby hole in a West Wing entry area where visitors place electronics and other belongings before going on tours."

The source added that the U.S. Secret Service is now doing all that it can to figure out how the drugs were placed there, or even made it through security in the first place, stating:

They're checking visitor logs and looking at cameras. Those are the next steps. Cross-checking...

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that "Where this was discovered is a heavily traveled area where many West Wing visitors come through."

When asked if anyone had undergone drug testing as a part of the investigation, Jean-Pierre said that "We will take any action that is appropriate and warranted, pending the outcome of Secret Service."