Inmate's Final Words Revealed In Wake Of Supreme Court Denial

 January 26, 2024

Kenneth Eugene Smith was pronounced dead at age 58 on Jan. 25.

He was the subject of America's first-ever execution by nitrogen gas.

Some reports indicate that the experience was not a pleasant one.

"Tonight, Alabama causes humanity to take a step backward," Smith said in his last words. "Humanity rose up….I am leaving with love, peace, and light..I love you. Thank you for supporting me. I love all of you."

He was then administered the deadly gas.

Authorities expected Smith to be unconscious within a matter of seconds.

Instead, Smith was reported to have writhed in agony for a total of 22 minutes before his death.

"The curtains of the execution chamber pulled back. Kenny is laying strapped to a gurney. His upper body is strapped," one witness said. "Kenny begins to violently shake against the straps that are holding him. That violent shaking lasts for about four or five minutes. I've witnessed five executions in Alabama. Four of them lethal injection. One with nitrogen, and this was the most violent execution I have ever seen."