Hunter Biden's tax evasion charges reportedly just the 'tip of the iceberg'

 December 10, 2023

Hunter Biden, the son of president Joe Biden, is facing multiple tax evasion felonies, and Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, says it is just the "tip of the iceberg."

During an interview on Fox News's Hannity on Friday, Comer explained that the three tax evasion felonies are just the beginning of Biden's problems.

Comer explained, "We believe there’s significantly more tax liability than what he has. We also know that there’s money laundering, we get that from all the suspicious activity reports. Most of the 170 suspicious activity reports at Treasury implied that the Bidens were money laundering and from what we can look at with their bank statements now and the research we’ve done, I can confirm it sure looks like money laundering to me."

Comer added, "You also have the obvious violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and who was he lobbying for? He was lobbying for China, Russia and some of the worst countries in the world. But also, he was lobbying his father, so that makes Joe Biden liable in Foreign Agent Registration Act liability. So we’ve got a lot of concerns here. This is the tip of the iceberg. I’m not surprised it happened before this week, but this case is far from being over."

Republicans have spent months investigating Hunter Biden and it has become increasingly clear that Hunter Biden is a key piece of a criminal enterprise that may encompass the entire Biden family.

This is obviously a massive issue for president Joe Biden who is now facing serious scrutiny for his role in all of these allegations. When the dust settles, multiple members of the Biden family could be facing criminal charges.