Hunter Biden Claims He's Poor, Arrives For Court On Private Jet

 May 23, 2023

Hunter Biden, one of the most spoiled, protected, rich people in America, claimed he is poor during a child-support hearing in Arkansas.

Apparently, Hunter wants the Arkansas judge to ignore his repeated luxury vacations.

What's worse, Biden boarded a private jet that took him to and from the courthouse.

The private jet belongs to Biden's friend Kevin Morris, according to reports from the New York Post.

The outlet reported that the jet left Los Angeles the morning of April 30 and flew to Washington, D.C. It reportedly took off again an hour later on its way to Arkansas. It landed at an airport located just over 30 miles from the Independence County Courthouse where the hearing took place the following day.

Just after the meeting, the jet took off for a trip back to Washington, D.C.

"The 7,326-mile round trip likely cost between $55,000 to $117,000 all in — or the value of up to six months in child-support payments to Hunter Biden’s baby mama, aviation experts told the Post," the outlet said.

The Biden family has never acknowledged that Hunter's little girl exists, despite DNA testing that has proven she belongs to him.

"Biden is apparently still trying to renegotiate the payments to the former stripper and mother of the four-year-old named Navy Joan," reported Breitbart.

Biden is seeking to reduce the payments because of a "substantial material change" in his finances.