Hunter Biden Whistleblower Tells All

 May 25, 2023

IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, the whistleblower on an IRS investigation that is said to be probing Hunter Biden spoke out for the first time, and what he had to say is mind blowing.

The comments came during portions of an interview with CBS News' chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod that aired on Wednesday’s CBS Evening News.

Shapley alleged that the investigation was "outside the norm" with "multiple steps that were slow-walked" at the behest of the Department of Justice.

Shapley added that the "deviations from the normal process seemed to always benefit the subject."

"When I took control of this particular investigation…I immediately saw it was way outside the norm of what I’ve experienced in the past," Shapley said.

Shapley added that he "can’t confirm or deny the subject of this investigation" because doing so would violate tax secrecy laws.

Shapley continued, "There [were] multiple steps that were slow-walked…at the direction of the U.S. Department of Justice."

Axelrod asked, "Had you ever encountered that before?"

Shapley answered, "I have not, no. These deviations from the normal process — and each and every time, it seemed to always benefit the subject."

Shapley decided to come forward after a meeting in October 2022 with federal prosecutors.

"That was my red line meeting," Shapley said about the meeting. "It just got to that point where that switch was turned on, and I just couldn’t silence my conscience anymore."

Axelrod then asked, "Did you let prosecutors know you were unhappy?"

Shapley answered, "I don’t think I can answer that."

Shapley has worked at the IRS for 14 years. According to Alexrod, Shapley is a Republican.