Barr: Hunter Biden likely to face 'serious' charges, as his attorneys meet with federal prosecutors

 May 29, 2023

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, will likely face "serious" charges, according to former Attorney General William Barr, who predicted on Saturday that the president's son will finally face accountability for his corrupt activities.

Biden is the subject of allegations of influence peddling, but he is also facing other accusations of tax offenses and making false statements while purchasing a firearm.

Barr said, "There's probably been a lot of handwringing in many different places, but I assume that the defense went in there to try to see what they think would be a way to resolve this without serious charges against Hunter Biden. I suspect that they're going to be unsuccessful."

The meeting Barr referenced involved federal prosecutors, Delaware authorities and Hunter Biden's attorneys, which likely signals that the investigation against Biden is nearing a conclusion.

Biden's attorneys attending this meeting was likely a Hail Mary to stave off charges which will be a nightmare not only for Hunter Biden, but the administration as well.

Furthermore, charges against Hunter Biden will likely accelerate the investigation being conducted by House Republicans into Biden's corrupt influence selling which could also drag the president into these criminal investigations.