Hunter Biden discussed with Burisma executive expectations of 'high ranking officials in Ukraine'

 July 18, 2023

Details surrounding Hunter Biden's association with Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company, have come under scrutiny, particularly concerning discussions about the anticipated presence of "high-ranking US officials in Ukraine". This correspondence reportedly took place a month before then-Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Ukraine. His visit involved a notable demand for the removal of a prosecutor probing the company.

Joe Biden's engagement with Ukraine, dating back to his tenure as Vice President, has drawn attention. Specifically, his 2018 self-proclaimed triumph over the dismissal of prosecutor Viktor Shokin by Ukraine's then-president, Petro Poroshenko. This revelation dates back to Biden's official visit to Ukraine in 2015. During the visit, he liaised with Poroshenko in Kiev concerning Ukraine's corruption issues.

Intriguingly, four months after this meeting, Shokin was dismissed. Shokin, at the time, was deeply involved in investigating Burisma, a company remunerating Hunter Biden $83,000 monthly for his services on its board. You can read more about this story on Breitbart.

Burisma's Expectations for Hunter Biden's Role

One month before Joe Biden's official visit to Ukraine, Hunter Biden reportedly received an email from Vadym Pozharskyi, a Burisma executive. The correspondence involved Pozharskyi expressing his “ultimate purpose” for working alongside Hunter Biden and his associates. These associates included Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer, another member of Burisma's board. Pozharskyi's email was marked with the subject line: “Re: Revised Burisma Proposal, Contract, and Invoice.”

The email was comprehensive. It detailed the scope of work Pozharskyi anticipated from Hunter Biden and his associates regarding a forthcoming project. The "ultimate purpose" was explicitly outlined - an arrangement with Blue Star Strategies. This was intended to halt "any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine", a reference to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, also known by the name Nikolay.

Blue Star Strategies is a PR firm based in Washington, DC. It is known for its collaboration with Burisma, facilitated by Hunter Biden's connection through Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s wife. These details were gleaned from emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

A Look into Pozharskyi's Email to Hunter Biden

In his email to Hunter and his associates, Pozharskyi wrote:

Dear colleagues, Hope you are well. Thank you for the docs provided. I have analyzed them most carefully and came up with a few of the following observations… My only concern is for us to be on the same page re our final goals...

Eric Schwerin forwarded Pozharskyi’s message to Hunter Biden and Archer on the same day. He proposed a solution to placate Pozharskyi’s objections to the pitch as Hunter Biden’s initial pitch lacked specific details of the officials who would visit the Ukrainian president.

Hunter Biden, in response to Pozharskyi’s email, reassured him of his ability to deliver on the expectations set forth. In an email dated Nov. 5, 2015, Hunter wrote, "You should go ahead and sign," adding, "Looking forward to getting started on this."

Events Following the Biden-Pozharskyi Correspondence

Fast forward a month, and Joe Biden arrived in Ukraine for discussions with the president of the country. Not long after, in March 2016, Ukraine's president dismissed the prosecutor who had been scrutinizing Burisma.

Joe Biden later gloated about this dismissal during a 2018 appearance at the Council of Foreign Relations. During his speech, he detailed his ultimatum to Ukraine: no billion-dollar aid unless the prosecutor was dismissed.

An FBI informant file viewed by lawmakers discloses that both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden each received $5 million from Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma. This payout allegedly happened after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until President Poroshenko fired the prosecutor.

The FBI’s informant document, authenticated by a source familiar with it, alleges that Hunter and Joe Biden "coerced" the Burisma executive into paying them $10 million in bribes. Furthermore, the FBI informant reveals that Zlochevsky retained 17 audio recordings of his conversations with Hunter and Joe Biden, referred to as an “insurance policy” by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

- The email correspondence between Hunter Biden and Vadym Pozharskyi, a Burisma executive, has raised questions.
- Joe Biden's official visit to Ukraine in 2015 saw him liaise with Ukraine's then-president Petro Poroshenko on the nation's corruption issues.
- An email from Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden detailed the scope of work and "ultimate purpose" of a forthcoming project with Blue Star Strategies.
- In response to Pozharskyi’s email, Hunter Biden reassured him of his ability to meet the expectations set forth.
- In 2018, Joe Biden recounted the dismissal of a prosecutor probing Burisma during his speech at the Council of Foreign Relations.
- According to an FBI informant file, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden each received $5 million from Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, under dubious circumstances.

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