Hugh Hewitt says Trump needs to chose VP, Cabinet now

By Jen Krausz on
 January 10, 2024

Center-right journalist, law professor, and Fox News contributor Hugh Hewitt said in his Morning Glory column on Tuesday that he thinks former President Donald Trump should choose his vice president and Cabinet early as a way to get more media coverage in the leadup to the 2024 presidential election.

Trump should choose his vice president as soon as he secures the nomination and then strategically release names of intended Cabinet appointees once or twice a month to capture the news cycle in a positive way.

It would also emphasize that Americans are not only electing a president, but 3,000 political appointees.

This could help with the relatively large number of people who don't like Trump and currently do not want to vote for him come Election Day.

Trump could also talk about Biden's cabinet failures as he discusses his own choices.

The downside is that one of his possible appointments is bound to have skeletons in the closet and yield negative press coverage for the ticket.